TTB reporting: it’s your biggest beast that no one wants to tackle. Your own personal four-letter word. It makes you procrastinate more than ANYTHING else. Unfortunately, it’s a must to keep your business in operation.
At Ekos, we know the love-hate relationship cidermakers have with the Report of Wine Premises Operations, also known as the 702. We’re here to partner with your team to help save time and energy while filing. Ekos takes all the inventory, production and sales numbers entered in your customized cidery management system to populate fields in your 702 form – by taking the production data entered by users. This feature provides more flexibility during the production process. Giving you the ability to keep up with current trends, while not having to restart the entire batch process in your system.
But that’s not all – we now make it easy to drill down into those cells to see exactly where the data is being pulled from, providing your team with more transparencies to any oversights that may come up. You can also view these insights daily through custom dashboards you create. If you’re looking for more solutions to help you with the management of your business, its operations, and your team, looking into using HRIS software for your business could provide what you’re after and even help to reduce your workload.
The ability to change tax classifications while in the production process is now extremely flexible to report in Ekos. This adds to the tax reporting, functionality, and helps ensure accurate data, no matter what changes may occur. With this flexibility comes an extra layer of accountability and accuracy for tax reporting purposes. Businesses have to make sure they’re correctly filing their taxes. This is why a lot of smaller business owners seem to look into outsourced tax services for startups to ensure they’re filing the correct taxes. No matter what business you’re in, filing your taxes, and correctly conducting your business accounting processes should be of the utmost importance when it comes to the financial side of your business. There are also standalone accounting software packages that can allow businesses to complete their bookkeeping tasks, for example, look at comparison reviews between wave vs quickbooks or other options, and see how utilizing one of these software packages could streamline how you manage your business accounts and finances.
Ekos Cidermaker also helps producers save time by streamlining inventory, production, sales, and accounting processes. The software was designed with the flexible cider process in mind. Currently working with more than 1,400 craft producers in over 40 countries, Ekos values working with the craft industry to help them make more.
We’d love to walk you through how Ekos Cidermaker can help streamline your team’s processes. Email us at for a demo.
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