
SPIKED: Bunnies & Bees

Fresh and not too sweet, this cocktail lets all the flavors and aromas shine through. Makes 1 cocktail Ingredients 1 ounce classic style gin1 ounce...

A Spicy Affair: Cider Cocktails with a Delightful Kick

Ever wondered why spicy cider cocktails hit the sweet spot just right? Cider and a spicy agents such as peppers, hot sauce or spice powders come...

Baking with Booze: Cider Cinnamon Rolls

Cozy up on a chilly morning with these cinnamon rolls. We used Local Legend from Schilling Hard Cider. Not only does it make these rolls extra...


Recipe: Legit Mulled Cider

Recipe: Legit Mulled Cider

'Tis the Christmastide, ready your wassail and boots to march into the apple orchard to chase away the bad spirits. Not a holiday drinking ritual you're familiar with? The English know it well,...

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