
In Preview: GLINTCAP and Grand Rapids Cider Week

by | Mar 22, 2016

Formed in 2014 the Michigan Cider Association is hosting the annual Grand Rapids Cider Week this year, from April 18 to 24. In addition to cider-focused events going on all week, the Great Lakes International Cider and Perry Competition (GLINTCAP), one of the world’s largest cider and perry competitions will take place. Held at the Downtown Courtyard Marriot in Grand Rapids, Michigan, this event will run in accordance with Grand Rapids Cider Week during April 22 to 24.

This year will mark the 11 year anniversary of the GLINTCAP competition. GLINTCAP is accepting applications from cider producers all over the world until Monday, April 4. Both commercial and amateur cider producers are allowed to participate in the prestigious competition.

In order to enter the commercial division there is a $60 entrance fee; the entrance fee is only $20 for amateur cidermakers. Cider and perry can be judged in either the standard or specialty class categories. To meet the requirements of the standard class the cider or perry being judged must be crafted with 85% pear or apple juices.

Cider workshops and master classes will be offered throughout the cider-centric week. From cider crafting tips to cider tasting, this cider week is sure to impress. One highlight of the week is an education seminar led by a variety of cidermakers and focusing on fermenting Michigan fruit. Also standing out is a cidermaking workshop hosted by Siciliano’s Market. Get the full list of events here.

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