
ACE Cider Perry Hard Cider

by | Apr 20, 2016

Founded in Sebastopol, California in 1993, ACE Cider has become nothing less than an expert in the the cider making industry. Begging for a middle ground between over-the-top sweetness and too-tart bitterness, the determined cidery has produced sippers starring everything from pineapple to pumpkin to blood orange, always priding itself in using the best eating apples and ingredients in their elixirs. Surrounded by some of the state’s top wineries in Sonoma county, ACE thrives in an environment of high standards set by fellow craft beverage producers nearby.

California’s first ever pear cider, ACE Cider Perry is an award-winning delightful blend of apple and pear juices. It’s easy to understand why this scrumpy is the leading pear cider in the country – its green apple aromas give way to a silky mouthfeel that ties in candy-like notes with a balanced bitterness to even out the sweetness. At 5 percent ABV, this decade-old pear cider is a tough one to turn down.

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